
Dan takes the podium at Christ Church

While in the Washington DC area we visited some big new airplane museum near Dulles airport. Here is Dan with the Enola Gay (the plane that dropped the A-bomb) and also with the Enterprise--can you see him at the bottom looking up?

So, we went to the east coast and got to do some sight seeing while Dan taught in 4 different Perspective courses.

Yes, that is Georgia trying to get Roosevelt to smile for the camera.
There's Dan as he climbed to the pulpit in the church where George Washington attended. It is made in the shape of a wine glass!

And then here we are at Jamestown with the John Smith statue -- this is the 400th anniversary for the Jamestown settlement. Both Dan and Georgia are interested in archeaology and the team had just started digging again at this site. The workers talked with us and showed us stuff they had dug up that day, fantastic.

Actually Dan's family "Stanley" landed at Jamestown in 1623 and 1624 so it was fun checking it out!

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