Anjali got a break from her studies at Azusa Pacific Univ. and spent the weekend with us and got to see some of my favorite places like the hall of stainglass windows at the Mountain View Mausoleum (she has a first year photography course so enjoyed taking pics, too). Then she cooked us a scrumptious north Indian meal with real chai, my first taste of chai and it was good! We also had the SIS doctoral students over for a potluck meal and it was encouraging to see how far they have progressed in their PhD program to this point. Pictured here are several shots of Anjali, then shots of some of the doctoral students including; Carol Christopher, David Bundy (Fuller Librarian), Blaze Babihb from Cameroon, Steve Hawthorn (editor of the Perspectives course text), Pasquel Bazzell, Bryant Myers (SIS prof), Birgit Herppich, Matthew John and group shot including Betsy Glanville (SIS Dr. director), Stan Kruze and Craig Hendrickson. It was a wonderful time with spouses included.