(sorry about the bottom photo being out of focus, the first one should be better, ggs)
Oct 15-17 we were at the SIL conference and Dan was renewing friendships and making new friends. We stayed with long time friends from PNG, Ken and Noreen McElhanon.
Dan got to show me the Museum at the SIL Center and the Samo display from PNG.
We had a lunch meeting with the Fuller alumni/ae who attended the conf. Dan had a real "serious" meeting with two of the guys in the Anthropology Dept., see how layed back Tom Headland is! We had a great time with:
Terry and Janet Borchard-PNG
JeSoon Chung-PNG and Korea
Myong Soo Chung-Kalimantan
Fritz Goerling-Mali
Jackie Huggins-Philippines
Marion Miller-Columbia
George Payton-Tanzania
Katherine Roundtree-Surinam and USA
Arden and Joy Sanders-PNG and USA
Jo Shetler-Philippines
Amy West-Philippines
Jim Wroughton-Peru
Kent and Margaret Spielmann-New Caledonia and USA
We also had a quick visit with Gary and Donna Bishop at their home near Fort Worth.